
Thank You:

We are so thankful for the cards and prayers as we finished a year of college. Thank you for always remembering us. We are blessed to have such a loving church family!     Emy and Jordan Osterbuhr


Dear Pastor Russell and Church Family,
Our hearts are full of gratitude for all of the love and support you have given to Eugene and Deloris Maifeld, especially the last several months. For prayers, visits, cards, food, the plant and words of encouragement we are forever thankful.
A special thank you to Pastor Russell, for spending time with us, listening, praying and the beautiful service honoring Dad and our Savior. May God bless you abundantly as you continue serving our Lord.   In his Love,   

            Deloris, Jennifer and Janelle and families



Attention all Sunday School students, GEMS, Cadets, and parents: TODAY is Nature Sunday! We will have games, lots of fun, and FOOD!! Let’s celebrate the end of this Sunday School year!


We hope you will return this afternoon at 2:00 PM, to cheer on the Cadets as they race their derby cars!


Attention all kids!  If you are entering Kindergarten through entering 5th grade you can attend VBS at Wilder Park on June 25th, 26th, and 27th from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM.  You won't want to miss it!  Registration forms are on the bulletin board in the foyer and must be filled out and returned by May 13th.  Come join the fun!!


You are invited to help Lauren Fleshner celebrate her graduation from North Butler. Her celebration will be Saturday, May18, from 3-6 PM, at Trinity!


Trinity Cafe

Thursday mornings 7:30-9:00

Come and go as you wish. Coffee, breakfast and conversation.

A place to catch up on the local news and enjoy each other’s company.

May 9 - Egg Bites

May 16 - Scrambled Eggs and Side  

May 23-Pancakes and Sausage

May 30 - French Toast