Trinity Reformed Church
January 19, 2025 2nd Sunday After Epiphany
Worship 9:00 AM
(Live on Dumont Cable Chan. 1001 & on demand at
Welcome & Call to Worship
*“O Love That Will Not Let Me Go” (#374)
“Just a Closer Walk with Thee” (#380)
*Opening Prayer
*Greeting One Another
Congregational Prayer & Lord’s Prayer
Children’s Message – Beth Muilenburg
Prayer of Illumination
Scripture: Psalm 23:4
Message: “Through the Valley”
Offertory Prayer
*Final Hymn: “Open My Eyes, That I May See” (#381)
*Closing Song: “Gentle Shepherd” (#458)
It feels a little more like January today! We’re glad you braved the cold and joined us as Pastor Russell continues his sermon series on Psalm 23.
Praise Singers: Beth Muilenburg, Chelsea Peelen
Next Sunday: Praise Team 4
Keyboardist: Greta Cordes Next Sunday: Denise Abbas
Sound/Projection: Matt Eberline Video: Lucas Junker
Greeters Today: Dave & Sue White, Chad & Jamie Osterbuhr
Greeters Next Sunday Ken & Ruth Seehusen, Joyce Fecht
Today at Trinity:
9:00 a.m. – Worship Service
10:00 a.m. – Fellowship Time
10:30 a.m. – Sunday School
This Week at Trinity:
Monday: 6:30 PM – Consistory Meeting
Monday: 7:15 PM – Elders and Deacons Meeting
Anyone who wants to make Profession of Faith, transfer membership, or request baptism is invited to attend this meeting. Please talk to Pastor Russell if you plan to attend.
Tuesday: 10:00 AM – Ladies Bible Study
Wednesday: 6:00 PM – GEMS/Cadets
Wednesday: 7:00 PM – MS & HSYG
Thursday: 7:30-9:00 AM – Trinity Café
Saturday: 6:30 AM – Men’s Bible Study
Prayer Concerns:
Please pray for those in our military as they serve our country at home and abroad.
Thank You:
Thank you to our church family for your generous support of our youth programs and our 1st annual specken dicken fundraiser meal! Your contributions and encouragement mean so much to us and
make a big difference in helping us grow in faith and fellowship. We are truly blessed to have such a caring church community.
With gratitude,
TRC Jr. and Sr. High Youth Group
We would like to thank everyone for the well wishes, cards and gifts we received since Hartley was born.
Ethan, Shelby, Tripp, and Hartley Ulfers
Trinity is responsible for Meals on Wheels for the month of February. Thank you to those that have already signed up. We have a couple more days to fill. If you have any questions, ask Barb DeBoer.
Trinity Café is open! Join us for great food and conversation on Thursdays from 7:30-9:00 AM
Jan. 23 – Loaded Hashbrown Skillet
Jan. 30 – Bacon & Eggs
In The Word
Sunday: Isaiah 14
Monday: Isaiah 15
Tuesday: Isaiah 16
Wednesday: Isaiah 17
Thursday: Isaiah 18
Friday: Isaiah 19
Saturday: Isaiah 20