Trinity Reformed Church

February 9, 2025 5th Sunday After Epiphany 

Worship 9:00 AM 

(Live on Dumont Cable Chan. 1001 & on demand at




Welcome & Call to Worship 

*“A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” (#26)

   “The Longer I Serve Him” (#518)

*Opening Prayer

*Greeting One Another

Congregational Prayer & Lord’s Prayer

Children’s Message – Jamie Osterbuhr


Prayer of Illumination 

Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:10, 17-19

Message: “The Love of Money”




Offertory Prayer

*Final Hymn: “Since Jesus Came into My Heart” (#515)


*Closing Song: “Trust and Obey” (#349 verse 1)



We’re glad you joined us this morning as Pastor Russell starts a new sermon series on “How to be Rich”. 

Praise Singers: Gary Abbas, James Seehusen, Sue White Next Sunday: Praise Team 3

Keyboardist: Ruth Seehusen Next Sunday: Greta Cordes

Sound/Projection: Parker Merritt   Video:  Michael Shafer

Greeters Today: Tim & Denise Junker, Sam & Ami Cordes

Greeters Next Sunday: Joyce Fecht, Brent & Dawn Janssen                                                                                          

Today at Trinity:

8:30 a.m. – The Coffee Cart is Open

9:00 a.m. – Worship Service

10:00 a.m. – Fellowship Time

10:30 a.m. – Sunday School 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      This Week at Trinity:

Monday: 6:30 PM – Consistory Meeting

Monday: 7:15 PM – Elders and Deacons Meeting

Anyone who wants to make Profession of Faith, transfer membership, or request baptism is invited to attend this meeting. Please talk to Pastor Russell if you plan to attend.

Tuesday: 10:00 AM – Ladies Bible Study

Wednesday: 6:00 PM – GEMS/Cadets

Wednesday: 7:00 PM – MS & HSYG

Thursday: 7:30-9:00 AM – Trinity Café

Saturday: 7:30 AM – Men’s Bible Study


Prayer Concerns: 

Please pray for Mark and Susan Ackerman and their family after the unexpected passing of Susan’s father, George Cobley.


Pray for Little Lambs and our director Ashley Ludemann and staff.  Pray for the children and our mission to reach them with the love of Jesus.



Don’t forget to grab a warm beverage at the Coffee Cart before the service, to support the Trinity youth programs!


Trinity Café is open! Join us for great food and conversation on Thursdays from 7:30-9:00 AM

February 13- Biscuits & Gravy

February 20 – Breakfast Sliders        

February 27 – Bacon & Eggs


Ladies mark your calendars! There will be a Women’s Conference on Saturday, April 5. It will be held at Trinity. Watch the bulletin for more details as we get closer.


In The Word  

Sunday: Isaiah 35             

Monday: Isaiah 36                

Tuesday: Isaiah 37                        

Wednesday: Isaiah 38        

Thursday:  Isaiah 39        

Friday: Isaiah 40                     

Saturday: Isaiah 41